Wednesday, January 2, 2013

First blogpost!

So this isn't my first blogpost. I lied. Sorry that's how we started this guy up, but we're rolling. I decided that I didn't like my original title of this blog and it threw the whole thing off. For one, I was embarrassed to ever say it and secondly, it was just weird. So I changed it and I'm actually really liking it. The reason I chose it was because of my testimony/ story/ what God has laid on my heart. And I'm about to tell you a little bit about it.
I've spent a good part of my life feeling invisible. And I hate feeling invisible. With a burning passion. I don't really think anyone likes feeling invisible. You see, I'm semi-shy especially in big groups where I clam up and my voice cracks and I can't think of anything valuable to say to the conversations or to anything. Over the years, and this year especially, I've finally started to feel visible (people don't say that often...I think because it sounds odd). Anyways I've grown so much over the years that I'm so comfortable now with who I am. I'm definitely not to the point of launching myself into a group of people I don't know and striking up conversation, but I feel way more confident than I ever have. Which is exciting. I know this is due to a variety of reasons but the primary reason is the Big Guy. God has continuously placed people into my life to show me that I matter and that he sees me. I'm so thankful for that. Writing also makes me feel less invisible. I hope someday God gives me the opportunity to show others they matter and are seen, and maybe he'll do that through this blog, but for now I'm just going to write about the thoughts I'm having. I think I have an interesting perspective (I hope) so we'll see how I like this. Read what you want and give me feedback if you want!

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