Saturday, February 16, 2013

Wanted by Hunter Hayes

I remember the first time I heard that song. We were at homecoming this year and everyone was singing along. "How have you never heard this song?" my friend asked me. I guess I lived under a rock. Or I didn't listen to regular radio. I think the latter is the true one because I'm pretty cold natured and rocks don't seem like nice places to live under. Every girl yelled the lyrics as they danced to it. Everything that don't make sense about me makes sense when I'm with you. Like everything that's green girl, I need you... 'cause I wanna wrap you up, wanna kiss your lips, I wanna make you feel wanted. 'Cause I wanna call you mine, wanna hold your hand forever, and never let you forget it. Yeah, I wanna make you feel wanted.  Anyone can tell you you're pretty. You get that all the time. But your beauty's deeper than the makeup.
I thought about these lyrics and really pondered why this song is so popular. It's simple really--girls want to feel wanted. And they love it when boys make them feel wanted. Girls want a boy to come and tell them how beautiful they are without makeup and how special they are--how there's no other girl like them. 
I've found myself wanting these same things because it's in our nature as a female. Being single for the majority of my life, there have been multiple times that I have felt insignificant. I'm not different, I thought. No boy would really want me because I am nothing special. It wasn't until recently that I triumphed over this lie. And it wasn't because some boy told me I was wanted. I read a book called God Loves Ugly by Christa Black. It was all about loving yourself and loving who God made you to be. At the end of the book, there was an assignment to write yourself a love letter. Sounds kind of strange, but I did it and it opened my eyes to everything I loved about myself. There are things about myself that no one else has. I am something unique and special! There is no one else like me. This isn't me saying that I am the only one who is different. The beautiful thing is that our creator made us all unique and different. We all have different smiles and laughs, different personalities and different funny things we do. We all have differences that make us something special.
It's not until I realized this that I understood how wanted I am. Jesus has been actively pursuing me. He wants my whole heart, he wants to make me feel loved. He wants me to be with him in heaven. I am wanted. And so are you. So very deeply that it's hard to grasp. This is something I'm struggling with now, to be content being single, because I really do long for a boy to make me feel special. I long to be chosen out of a group of girls. And God knows that. But, God knows that he is the only one who can make me feel worthy and loved to the fullest. There will always be times in a relationship with a boy where no matter what he says or does to make me feel special, I won't believe him. This is where God comes in. I need to build this foundation with Jesus before I get into a relationship destined for failure and heartbreak. 
During this time of singleness, God wants to take me and use me to grow his kingdom and spread his love to others. 
It's difficult because this song Wanted by Hunter Hayes is about a boy-girl relationship. It's different with God. God is everything we need. But God knows our desires to be with a husband someday. To physically feel how wanted we are. God knows and God will provide. But it's not until we realize how wanted we are, how valuable we are, and how worthy of love we are that we can truly accept this gift from God. I'm still growing in my "relationship" with myself. There are times I think I am scum and there are times I feel like an olympic champion. But if I keep holding onto the Constant Pursuer, the one who loves me forever for just being me, I will truly realize how wanted I am. I hope you can do the same.